Sign-up pages

Page properties

Define the general setup of the page

Property Description
Name A unique name for the page – not used in user interface .
Organization The GUID of the organization in the Identify database to which users created via this page will belong.
Index The order in which this page should appear in the tab menu.
Title The label that will be shown for the page’s menu tab.
Header The main header on the page.
Description A description of the page just under the main header.

Below is shown where the properties Title, Header and Description are used on a Sign-up page.

Identify UserProv sign-up page - Page propertyRequired attributes

Define the rules for when a user will shown this page. If no required attributes are added, then anyone who is not already registered as a user in Identify, will have access.

Property Description
Name The incoming claim type, whose value is used to check whether a user should see the page. References the claim types specified by name in the Attributes section.
Value The expression that the value should fulfill in order for the page to be shown to the user. Below are a few examples of the expressions that can be used:<Attribute name=”role” value=”Superuser”/><Attribute name=”CPR” value=””/>

<Attribute name=”LoginType” value=”citizen”/>

Please notice that values are case-sensitive.

When value is left empty it means that the claim just has to exist in the incoming users token for him to be granted access. When multiple attributes exist it basically means that an incoming token needs to fulfill all of them for the page to be shown.

Insert attributes

Specifies the claim types that we want to save values for.

Property Description
Name References the claim types specified by name in the Attributes section. Settings for how the claim type fields will appear, validations, etc. are set in that section as well.

Notice that the rule for Avoid elevation aka Avoid upsize (please refer to the Safewhere*Identify guidelines to learn more) are not in effect on Sign-Up pages, simply because there is no existing editing user in context. Should you therefore not wish to allow users to select option for a claim, where Avoid elevation is activated, but you still wish to use any incoming token value to set defaults, you should use a hidden attribute.

Another rule that is not enforced, which may exist when using the Safewhere*Identify interface for the specific claim, is the Restrict view and editing of sub-organizations. Should you wish to enforce this rule in UserProv, you will have to configure individual pages for each organization accordingly.

Auto generate values attributes

Specifies both default values as well as options for auto generating values. The latter is typically used for username type fields, where the claim type is set to hidden with an autogenerate option, so that user would automatically be given a username, but not told about it.

An example of this section is:

It is actually possible to have both default values and autogenerate values, since they are triggered at different times. Default values are inserted into the page in case it is empty on opening the page (which it would be if there were no values for the claim in the token), whereas autogenerated values are first applied at the point of time where the page is saved to Identify and it is found to be empty.

Property Description
Name References the claim types specified by name in the Attributes section.
valueExpression Specifies the value that will be autogenerated for the field. Notice that the symbol ’#’ will be automatically replaced by a number and the symbol ’%’ will automatically be replaced by a character.An example of a valueExpression could be ”CopenhagenOfficeUser####%%%”.
DefaultValue The default value to be given to the claim type if empty.

Password configuration

Refers to one of the password configuration options that were set up in the Password Configuration section. Defines how the password is created and informed to the user. Below is the section where the password is configured:

Property Description
ruleName References the password configuration options specified by name in the Password Configuration section.
Name A property of the attribute node. References the claim types specified by name in the Attributes section. You will always need to reference to two attributes. One for password and one for repeat password.
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