My Profile

My Details page: contains user’s updatable information.

Identify Name: the user’s name, which is used within Identify*Admin.

User’s certificate: user can select the “Browse” button to upload a certificate to be used for the STS web service.

Other Information: includes claims that are set up in the system and which have been tagged as updateable.

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My Password page: enables the user to change his password by entering the existing password as well as the new password twice and clicking save.

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My Consent page: allows the user to manage his or her list of consent settings. The only protocol connections to be listed in the “personal consent management page” are those where the user has in fact provided consent.

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When the setting “Remember Consent” on the protocol connection is True, a checkbox will appear on the consent box saying “This consent also applies to my future log ins for this site”.

User can only save his consent settings if all required claims set and scopes have been set to true.

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