Connections Administration

IdP -Initiated Connection

An IdP-initiated connection is set up in order to make it possible to log in to a Relying Party, which was not the Relying Party that initially made an authentication request. It is basically a method in which a user […]

Generic Provider Connection

Introduction Generic Provider authentication connection is a plugin which allows clients to create their own input view, error view, as well as the handler to validate credentials. will send a set of key-value pairs collected from the views as well […]


This table stores the issued claims that are a result from the claims pipeline – in other words the result of a user successfully authenticating via Safewhere*Identify as and the referring receiving issued claims from this in return. [Table].[Column] storing […]


Whenever an Access Token is revoked, the revoke will be registered under the RevokeOAuthAccessToken event type. [Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored [AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “RevokeOAuthAccessToken” [AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and […]


Whenever an is deleted, the main reference you will have for this is the EntityId. If you wish to know which was deleted, you can use this EntityId to look in the other audit tables that will have registered information […]


Every time that Identify*Runtime is sent a request of some sort, it will be registered into this table. There are various Requests that a may send to Identify*Runtime; some will have a user in context, others will not. The different […]


UpdateAuthenticationConnection Whenever an is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the update will be registered under the UpdateAuthenticationConnection event type. [Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored [AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being […]


InsertAuditAdminSiteAuthentication Logs each time the Identify*Admin site is being accessed by a user. [Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored [AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertAuditAdminSiteAuthentication” [AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC […]


DeleteClaimDefinition Whenever a is deleted, the main reference you will have for this is the EntityId. If you wish to know which was deleted, you can use this EntityId to look in the other audit tables that will have registered […]

Web service

From version 4.1, Identify includes an Identify* Service for provisioning users on Identify based on specification suite developed under IETF. Safewhere* promises to reduce the cost and complexity of user provisioning operations by providing a common users and groups schema […]