Permision for the service account to do the AD password reset

Scenario:  we uses use a service account on LDAPWS, that can reset password for all users. How can this service user reset password for AD user?

Solution: It depends on how you set the permissions for password reset for this service account for which OU (and sub-OU)

Given that we have the organizations like below:


You would like to grant user “permis01” to do the reset password for the “suborg” and its child, you can do the following:

What happens:

+ If you change the password for the AD users belonging to the “suborg” and its child, no error throws

+ If you change the password for the AD users not belonging to the “suborg” and its child, e.g the AD user “permis02”, you will receive the error: where the LDAPWS error trace is:


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