Connections Administration

IdP -Initiated Connection

An IdP-initiated connection is set up in order to make it possible to log in to a Relying Party, which was not the Relying Party that initially made an authentication request. It is basically a method in which a user […]

Generic Provider Connection

Introduction Generic Provider authentication connection is a plugin which allows clients to create their own input view, error view, as well as the handler to validate credentials. will send a set of key-value pairs collected from the views as well […]

Interactive user profiles settings

Identify supports a feature called Interceptor, which allows it to map one login to multiple user accounts stored in the same user store – this works equally well in regard to authentication () and applications (). We believe this feature […]

Add metadata

Setting up the configuration data for a connection can be a complicated affair where much care has to be made in setting the correct values in each parameter. There is although a simpler method, namely importing these values to the […]

Protocol Connection

Add Protocol Connection All share a number of identical settings, which will be explained below, but some of them will also have a number of additional configuration settings used for establishing the connection to the external party ( or ). […]

Authentication Connection

Add Authentication Connection All share a number of identical settings which will be explained below, but some of them will also have a number of additional configuration settings used for establishing the connection to the external party ( or ). […]