ActAs functionality at the connection and the user levels


From the user detail page, it must be possible to select which services the user can do act-as for.


How the ActAs function works at UserLevel

There is a requester (named as A, let’s say A is a local user and have a list of actas-authorized-service-uris) who executes issue request having

  •   ActAs element as a saml2 token or a x509 certificate (named as B)
  •   AppliesTo: is a service is secured by this issued token

When process this request, Identify will response a security token having claims extracted from A and B (depends on our settings)

To do the ActAs authorization successfully, the ActAs user must have:

  • He’s a Identify local user
  • The AppliesTo must be one of his service URI list at his user form:


Besides, the comparison between the AppliesTo and one of his service URI list is Equal.

Act as service URI

How the ActAs function work at connection

On the WSFED protocol connection, we have the new control:

ActAs authorization claim rules

ActAs User needs to have at least 1 claim type matching with the ones on this setting to do the ActAs authorization successfully.

Note: This setting hasn’t worked for local user yet, but ADFS user. We will finish supporting it in one of the next weekly updates for version 4.3.

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