
Whenever an OAuth Access Token is revoked, the revoke will be registered under the RevokeOAuthAccessToken event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “RevokeOAuthAccessToken”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimSet].[EntityId] All claim set records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific claim set that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Code] Registers the code that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[HashedCode] Registers the hash code that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ClientIdentifier] Registers the client Id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Scope] Registers the scope that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Type] Registers thetypeof the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserName] Registers the user name that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[AuthenticationConnectionId] Registers the  authentication id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserId] Registers the user id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[CreationDate] Registers the created date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ExpirationDate] Registers the expired date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[AllowRefreshToken] Registers the RefreshToken status that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[RefreshTokenExpirationDate] Registers the refreshed date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ProtocolConnectionId] Registers theprotocol id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[SerializedClaimsPrincipal] Registers the claim princial of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserInfoSessionId] Registers the user info session id of the OAuth access token.
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