
Whenever an Authentication Connection is deleted, the main reference you will have for this is the EntityId. If you wish to know which Authentication Connection was deleted, you can use this EntityId to look in the other audit tables that will have registered information on the object when inserted and updated.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertApprovedConsents”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the deletion was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[Tombstone].[EntityId] All claim records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific user that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditApprovedConsent].[ProtocolConnectionId] Store the ProtocolConnectionId where the Consent was approved.
[AuditApprovedConsent].[ProtocolConnectionName] Store the ProtocolConnectionName where the Consent was approved.
[AuditApprovedConsent].[AuthenticationConnectionId] Store the AuthenticationConnectionId where the Consent was approved.
[AuditApprovedConsent].[AuthenticationConnectionName] Store the AuthenticationConnectionName where the Consent was approved.
[AuditApprovedConsent].[UserId] UserId of person who logged in and approved the consent.
[AuditApprovedConsentItem].[ClaimSetId] Registers the unique identifier of the claim set which is included in consent.
[AuditApprovedConsentItem].[Name] Registers the claim set name that is given to the claim set.
[AuditApprovedConsentItem].[IsApproved] Registers that the claim setis approved or not.
[AuditApprovedConsentItem].[ClaimTypes] Registers the claim types that are given to the claim set.
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