

Whenever an Authentication Connection is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the update will be registered under the UpdateAuthenticationConnection event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateAuthenticationConnection”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the update was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[EntityId] All authentication connection records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific authentication connection that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[Name] Stores the name given to the connection in Identify.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[Description] If a description exists for the Authentication Connection record, it will be stored in this column.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[Enabled] Saves information on whether the Authentication Connection is enabled or disabled.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[ConfigurationClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Authentication Connection object.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[ConfigurationXml] Stores the configuration of the Authentication Connection’s various settings in XML.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInDescription] A description of the Plugin that was chosen for the Authentication Connection.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInName] The name of the PlugIn used for the Authentication Connection. Currently possible PlugIns are:·         WS-Federation login

·         SAML/[glossary] 2.0 SignOn plugin

·         Username & password Login plugin

·         [glossary]OCES login

·         NemID login

[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Plugin object used for this connection.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInEnabled] Whether or not the Plugin is enabled. This will most likely always be 1 (true), since it would not be possible to update a disabled plugin.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInType] Will always be “Authentication”


Whenever a Claim is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the update will be registered under the UpdateClaimDefinition event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateClaimDefinition”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the update was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[EntityId] All claim records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific claim that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[ClaimType] Registers the claim type name that is given to the claim.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[FriendlyName] Register the friendly name that is given to the claim.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[Description] If a description exists for the Claim record, it will be stored in this column.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[CountSpecification] CountSpecification is used to decide how many values of a specific claim type are allowed for a user. The ‘Free’ value means that the user can have any number of claims for such a claim type in the token issued for the user at login.


Whenever an Identity Provider Configuration is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the update will be registered under the UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateIdentityProviderConfiguration”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the update was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditIdentityProviderConfiguration].[EntityId] All user records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific user that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditIdentityProviderConfiguration].[Description] If a description exists for the Identity Provider Configuration record, it will be stored in this column.
[AuditIdentityProviderConfiguration].[ClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Identify Provider Configuration object.
[AuditIdentityProviderConfiguration].[Xml] Stores the configuration of the Identity Provider’s various settings in XML.


Whenever an Organization is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the update will be registered under the UpdateOrganization event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateOrganization”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the update was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditOrganization].[OrganizationId] All organizations are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific organization that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditOrganization].[Name] Stores the name of the organization.
[AuditOrganization].[ParentId] Stores the parent organization’s unique identifier.


Whenever a Protocol Connection is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the update will be registered under the UpdateProtocolConnection event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateProtocolConnection”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the update was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[EntityId] All protocol connection records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific protocol connection that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[UsePersistentPseudonym] Whether or not the Protocol Connection is to use Persistent Pseudonyms with other SPs/IdPs in the federation.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[Name] Stores the name given to the connection in Identify.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[Description] If a description exists for the Protocol Connection record, it will be stored in this column.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[Enabled] Saves information on whether the Protocol Connection is enabled or disabled.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[ConfigurationClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Identify Protocol Connection object.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[ConfigurationXml] Stores the configuration of the Protocol Connection’s various settings in XML.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInDescription] A description of the Plugin that was chosen for the Protocol Connection.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInName] The name of the PlugIn used for the Protocol Connection. Currently possible Plugins are:·         WS-Federation protocol plug-in·         SAML 2.0 protocol plug-in
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Plugin object used for this connection.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInEnabled] Whether or not the Plugin is enabled. This will most likely always be 1 (true), since it would not be possible to update a disabled plugin.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInType] Will always be “Protocol”


Whenever a User is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the update will be registered under the UpdateUser event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateUser”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the update was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditUser].[EntityId] All user records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific user that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditUser].[UserName] Saves the Identify name of the user being updated ([User].[UserName]).
[AuditUser].[Enabled] Saves information on whether the user is disabled or enabled.


Whenever a LDAP attribute definition is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the insertion will be registered under the UpdateLdapAttributeDefinition event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateLdapAttributeDefinition”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditLdapAttributeDefinition].[EntityId] All user records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific ldap attribute that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditLdapAttributeDefinition].[UserName] Registers the LDAP attribute definition ‘s name that is given to the LDAP attribute definition.
[AuditLdapAttributeDefinition].[DisplayName] Registers the LDAP attribute definition ‘s display name that is given to the LDAP attribute definition.


Whenever a Claim is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the update will be registered under the UpdateClaimSet event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateClaimSet”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimSet].[EntityId] All claim set records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific claim set that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditClaimSet].[Name] Registers the claim set name that is given to the claim set.
[AuditClaimSet].[Headline] Registers the claim setheadline that is given to the claim set.
[AuditClaimSet].[Description] Registers the claim setdescription that is given to the claim set.
[AuditClaimSet].[Required] Registers the required status that is given to the claim set.
[AuditClaimSet].[AccessOrganizationId] Registers the parentorganization of the claim set.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[ClaimTypes] Registers the claim types that are given to the claim set.


Whenever anOauth Access Token is updated, the update will be registered under the UpdateOAuthAccessToken event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateOAuthAccessToken”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimSet].[EntityId] All claim set records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific claim set that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Code] Registers the code that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[HashedCode] Registers the hash code that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ClientIdentifier] Registers the client Id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Scope] Registers the scope that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Type] Registers thetypeof the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserName] Registers the user name that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[AuthenticationConnectionId] Registers theauthentication id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserId] Registers the user ID that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[CreationDate] Registers the created date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ExpirationDate] Registers the expired date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[AllowRefreshToken] Registers the RefreshToken status that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[RefreshTokenExpirationDate] Registers the refreshed date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ProtocolConnectionId] Registers the protocol id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[SerializedClaimsPrincipal] Registers the claim princial of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserInfoSessionId] Registers the user info session id of the OAuth access token.


Whenever an authentication context class method class is inserted, the insertion will be registered under the UpdateAuthenticationContextMethodClass event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “UpdateAuthenticationContextMethodClass”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimSet].[EntityId] All authentication context class method records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific authentication context class method that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditClaimSet].[MethodClass] Registers the name that is given to the authentication context class method.
[AuditClaimSet].[ComparableValue] Registers the integer value that is given to the the authentication context class method.
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