

Logs each time the Identify*Admin site is being accessed by a user.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertAuditAdminSiteAuthentication”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Registers the IdP which is used to log on or off the Admin site.
[AuditAdminSiteAuthentication].[ActionType] Register whether a user logged on or off the Admin site


Whenever an Authentication Connection is inserted, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the insertion will be registered under the InsertAuthenticationConnection event type

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertAuthenticationConnection”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[EntityId] All authentication connection records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific authentication connection that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[Name] Stores the name given to the connection in Identify.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[Description] If a description exists for the Authentication Connection record, it will be stored in this column.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[Enabled] Stores information on whether or not the Authentication Connection is enabled.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[ConfigurationClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Authentication Connection object.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[ConfigurationXml] Stores the configuration of the Authentication Connection’s various settings in XML.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInDescription] A description of the Plugin that was chosen for the Authentication Connection.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInName] The name of the Plugin used for the Authentication Connection. Currently possible Plugins are:·         WS-Federation login·         SAML 2.0 SignOn plug-in

·         Username & password Login plugin

·         OCES login

·         NemID login

[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Plugin object used for this connection.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInEnabled] Whether or not the Plugin is enabled. This will most likely always be 1 (true), since it would not be possible to update a disabled plugin.
[AuditAuthenticationConnection].[PlugInType] Will always be “Authentication”


Whenever a Claim is inserted, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the insertion will be registered under the InsertClaimDefinition event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertClaimDefinition”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[EntityId] All claim records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific claims that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[ClaimType] Registers the claim type name that is given to the claim.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[FriendlyName] Register the friendly name that is given to the claim.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[Description] If a description exists for the Claim record, it will be stored in this column.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[CountSpecification] CountSpecification is used to decide how many values of a specific claim type are allowed for a user. The ‘Free’ value means that the user can have any number of claims for such a claim type in the token issued for the user at login.


Identity Provider Configuration records will only be inserted on time of installation of the tenant. In this table you will thus be able to find out what the original settings were.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertIdentityProviderConfiguration”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will always be the Identify Configurator.
[AuditIdentityProviderConfiguration].[EntityId] All Identify Configuration records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific Identify Configuration that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditIdentityProviderConfiguration].[Description] If a description exists for the Identity Provider Configuration record, it will be stored in this column.
[AuditIdentityProviderConfiguration].[ClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Identity Provider Configuration object.
[AuditIdentityProviderConfiguration].[Xml] Stores the configuration of the Identity Provider’s various settings in XML.


Whenever an Organization is inserted, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the insertion will be registered under the InsertOrganization event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertOrganization”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditOrganization].[OrganizationId] All organization records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific organization that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditOrganization].[Name] Stores the name of the organization.
[AuditOrganization].[ParentId] Stores the parent organization’s unique identifier.


Every time that Identify*Runtime issues a Persistent Pseudonym for a user, information of the user as well as the Relying Party requesting authentication will be stored in this table.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertPersistentPseudonym”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Specifies the site that issued the Persistent Pseudonym (which will in fact always be Identify*Runtime).
[PersistentPseudonym].[UserName] Specifies the Identify username ([User].[UserName]) that the Persistent Pseudonym was issued for.
[PersistentPseudonym].[ProtocolConnectionName] Specifies the Relying Party that the Persistent Pseudonym was issued to.


Whenever a Protocol Connection is updated, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the insertion will be registered under the InsertProtocolConnection event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertProtocolConnection”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[EntityId] All protocol connection records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific protocol connection that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[UsePersistentPseudonym] Stores information on whether or not the Protocol connection is using persistent pseudonyms.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[Name] Stores the name given to the connection in Identify.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[Description] If a description exists for the Protocol Connection record, it will be stored in this column.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[Enabled] Saves information on whether the Protocol Connection is enabled or disabled.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[ConfigurationClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the Protocol Connection object.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[ConfigurationXml] Stores the configuration of the Protocol Connection’s various settings in XML.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInDescription] A description of the Plugin that was chosen for the Protocol Connection.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInName] The name of the Plugin used for the Protocol Connection. Currently possible Plugins are:·         WS-Federation protocol plug-in·         SAML 2.0 protocol plug-in
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInClrType] The Common Language Runtime reference for the PlugIn object used for this connection.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInEnabled] Whether or not the Plugin is enabled. This will most likely always be 1 (true), since it would not be possible to update a disabled plugin.
[AuditProtocolConnection].[PlugInType] Will always be “Protocol”


Logs every time Identity receives SAML 2.0 assertion as a RP from an IdP.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertSaml2Assertion”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] The Relying Party that the assertion was received from.
[AuditIncomingAssertion].[AssertionId] A unique assertion ID generated by the token issuer
[AuditIncomingAssertion].[NotOnOrAfter] Datetime for when the received saml2assertion token expires.


Whenever a User is inserted, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the insertion will be registered under the InsertUser event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertUser”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditUser].[EntityId] All user records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific user that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditUser].[UserName] Saves the Identify name of the user being updated ([User].[UserName]).
[AuditUser].[Enabled] Saves information on whether the user is disabled or enabled.


Whenever a LDAP attribute definition is inserted, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the insertion will be registered under the InsertLdapAttributeDefinition event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertLdapAttributeDefinition”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditLdapAttributeDefinition].[EntityId] All user records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific LDAP attribute that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditLdapAttributeDefinition].[UserName] Registers the LDAP attribute definition ‘s name that is given to the LDAP attribute definition.
[AuditLdapAttributeDefinition].[DisplayName] Registers the LDAP attribute definition ‘s display name that is given to the LDAP attribute definition.


Whenever a Claim set is inserted, whether it be through Identify*Admin or Identify*Services, the insertion will be registered under the InsertClaimSet event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertClaimSet”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimSet].[EntityId] All claim set records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific claim set that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditClaimSet].[Name] Registers the claim set name that is given to the claim set.
[AuditClaimSet].[Headline] Registers the claim set headline that is given to the claim set.
[AuditClaimSet].[Description] Registers the claim set description that is given to the claim set.
[AuditClaimSet].[Required] Registers the required status that is given to the claim set.
[AuditClaimSet].[AccessOrganizationId] Registers the parent organization of the claim set.
[AuditClaimDefinition].[ClaimTypes] Registers the claim types that are given to the claim set.


Whenever an OAuth Access Token is inserted, , the insertion will be registered under the InsertOAuthAccessToken event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertOAuthAccessToken”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimSet].[EntityId] All claim set records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific claim set that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Code] Registers the code that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[HashedCode] Registers the hash code that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ClientIdentifier] Registers the client Id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Scope] Registers the scope that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[Type] Registers the type of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserName] Registers the user name that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[AuthenticationConnectionId] Registers the authentication ID that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserId] Registers the user id that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[CreationDate] Registers the created date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ExpirationDate] Registers the expired date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[AllowRefreshToken] Registers the RefreshToken status that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[RefreshTokenExpirationDate] Registers the refreshed date of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[ProtocolConnectionId] Registers the protocol ID that is given to the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[SerializedClaimsPrincipal] Registers the claim principal of the OAuth access token.
[AuditOAuthAccessToken].[UserInfoSessionId] Registers the user info session id of the OAuth access token.


Whenever an authentication context class method class is inserted, the insertion will be registered under the InsertAuthenticationContextMethodClass event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertAuthenticationContextMethodClass”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Admin site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditClaimSet].[EntityId] All authentication context class method records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific authentication context class method that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditClaimSet].[MethodClass] Registers the name that is given to the authentication context class method.
[AuditClaimSet].[ComparableValue] Registers the integer value that is given to the the authentication context class method.


Whenever an insert correlation error is inserted, the insertion will be registered under the InsertCorrelationError event type.

[Table].[Column] storing log information Description of information stored
[AuditEvent].[EventType] Event is identified by value in this column being “InsertCorrelationError”
[AuditEvent].[UTCTimestamp] Specifies the date and time in UTC that the event occurred.
[AuditEvent].[UserName] If this action is carried out via a federated user, his unique identity bearing claim will be saved into the username column. The federated user may or may not exist in the Identify database; he will still be registered.
[AuditEvent].[ApplicationId] Stores the name of the Relying Party from where the insert was made. This will either be Identify*Runtime site or the Identify*Service site.
[AuditCorrelationError].[CorrelationId] All correlation error records are identified by a unique identifier. This column registers this unique identifier in order to identify the specific correlation error that the event in question occurred to.
[AuditCorrelationError].[Source] Registers the source where user experiences error report.
[AuditCorrelationError].[UserReport] Registers the user comment on the error.
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