Claim app site

The Claim app site is included with an Identify installation and is used for testing Claim issuance by a federation server.


Installation Instructions

  1. Open the web.config of the claimapp located at “C:\Program Files\Safewhere\Identify\TestApps”:
    1. Enter the federation server’s URL for the following key “PLEASE-ADD-FULL-URL-OF-FEDERATION-SERVER”
    2. Enter the ClaimApp’s DNS for to the following key “PLEASE-ADD-FULL-URL-OF-APPLICATION”
    3. Enter the thumbprint of the Geneva server’s token certificate for the following key “PLEASE-ADD-THUMBPRINT-OF-FEDERATION-SERVER-SIGNING-CERTIFICATE” and “PLEASE-ADD-NAME-OF-FEDERATION-SERVER-SIGNING-CERTIFICATE”
    4. Enter the ClaimApp’s encryption certificate for the following key “PLEASE-ADD-THUMBPRINT-OF-APPLICATION-CERTIFICATE”
  2. In IIS 7, create the new site with the following location “C:\Program Files\Safewhere\Identify\TestApps”
  3. On the site ‘s application pool, ensure the following settings:
    1. Managed Pipeline mode: Integrated
    2. Identity: Network Service
    3. .NET framework : 4.0
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